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Som i mange fattige land finner man også i Agra mange husvegger malt i sjokkfarger. Forklaringen er at folk som ikke har råd til maling selv, kan få huset sitt malt gratis ved å samtidig la det fungere som reklameplakat for ett eller annet vaskemiddel, en mobiloperatør eller lignende.

Jeg tror gjerne at det systemet også har smittet over på folks fargevalg når det gjelder klær.


Like in many countries with a large poor population, Agra has many houses painted in shockingly bright colours. The explanation is that if you don't have money for paint for your house, you can have it painted for free, as long as you're okay with your house doubling as a billboard ad for a cell phone operator, laundry detergents or something like that.

I suspect that this system has affected people's taste when it comes to colours on clothing.

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