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To avoid boredom among passengers in the evening, there's a new show on the ship every night. If you go on two week-long cruises in a row, you get to see every show twice, if you want to. Some of the shows are actually so good that watching them twice is fine. There are 1603 seats, and the buffet at the other end of the ship keeps calling on people, so you'll always find somewhere to sit.
  For at folk skal slippe å kjede seg om kvelden holdes det en ny forestilling av type musical/sirkus hver dag. Om du tar to ukeslange cruise på rad, kan du se hvert show to ganger om du vil. Noen av forestillingene er så gode at det kan man godt gjøre. Her er det 1603 seter, og buffeten helt i den andre enden av skipet roper etter folk, så det skal mye til for at du ikke finner en sitteplass her.
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