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The Shah Mosque at the southern end of Naqsh-e-Jahan Square lit up at night. It's more than 400 years old, but continuous restoration work means that it looks good, and timeless, just like a thousand other mosques in this country. By this stage, I'm already out-mosqued to the degree that I routinely walk past something like this without even stopping and looking at it for a second.
  Shah-moskeen i sørenden av det enorme bytorget Naqsh-e-Jahan lyser opp om kvelden. Bygningen, i likhet med plassen rundt, er mer enn 400 år gammel, men mer eller mindre kontinuerlig vedlikeholdsarbeid gjør at den ikke ser eldre ut enn alle de andre moskeene i Iran. Man blir fort moskéblind i dette landet.
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