Outside Luleå, Gammelstaden is a well-maintained traditional Swedish village. All the houses are red, Falu red to be precise, because a long time ago people wanted their house to look as fancy as the red brick buildings in the cities in the south, but the only building material they had was wood. Sweden is rich on copper mines, and the red in the paint used to come from hematite from those.
Utenfor Luleå finnes Gammelstaden, en velholdt tradisjonell svensk landsby. Alle husene er malt røde, falunrød for å være nøyaktig. For lenge siden ønsket folk her at husene skulle se like bra ut som mursteinbyggene i byene i sør, men de hadde bare tre å bygge med. Løsningen ble rødmaling laget av hematitt fra slagg fra kobbergruvene Sverige har så mange av. |