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The last few years, the Arab carriers Qatar Airways and Emirates have often been the least expensive option when traveling to Africa. This time we fly with Qatar via Doha. It's a strange country, city and airport. They're betting a lot of money on become a travel destination, but there's really no good reason to make a stopover here. I've tried, and it just wasn't for me. But it's quite possible to entertain yourself for a couple of hours by walking around and look at the weird art.

The wifi is free, but it's really, really slow.


De siste årene har Qatar Airways og Emirates ofte vært den billigste veien ut i verden, i hvert fall i retning Afrika, Asia og Australia. Vi flyr til Sør-Afrika via Doha i Qatar. Det er et rart land, en rar by og en rar flyplass. De satser mye på å bli et reisemål, men det finnes ingen gode grunner for å gjøre en stopp her. Jeg har prøvd, men det var ikke noe for meg. Men man kan fint bruke et par timer på å gå rundt og se på rar kunst.

Det er gratis wifi her, men veeeldig tregt.

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