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You're a bit surprised to see that in addition to the usual ATM machines, in Macau you can also easily buy Bitcoins, right on the street. There aren't many cities in the world that have caught on to this yet, but here there are so many ways to conduct illegal business, that there's a certain demand for ways to quickly convert your money into an untraceable currency. Bitcoin to the rescue!
  Det er litt overraskende å se at blant minibankene i Macau finnes det også muligheter for å kjøpe bitcoins. Jeg har nesten aldri sett denne tjenesten som en fysisk maskin noe sted i verden, men i Macau foregår det tilstrekkelig mange lyssky aktiviteter at det har blitt et friskt marked for muligheten til kjapt å veksle pengene dine inn i en ikke-sporbar valuta. Tøft.
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