I show seashores from the Seychelles Being a backpacker, they Seychelles has never been high up on my agenda. It's always seemed too expensive and cliché-y. Suddenly something happened that pretty much forced me to go there, though. Although I didn't see much of the archipelage, the bits I visited were interesting enough. Have a look! |
Frierfanters ferd Etter å ha lest en rar gammel bok var det fristende å undersøke Seychellene med egne øyne. Og dessuten hadde reisefølget mitt og jeg et helt spesifikt ærend der. Mer om det etter hvert. Her kommer en oppdatert og uhildet rapport fra et land langt borte! Det blir en del strand, så mye kan jeg avsløre. |
About the photos:
* Taken with a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-HX400 (fixed lens, not an SLR)
* These 98 photos were selected from about 2,100 photos I took during this trip
* Some photos were processed using PaintShop Photo Pro X5 and Nik Color Efex Pro 3
If you enjoy these photos, your experience may continue at http://bjornfree.com/galleries.html
(Where you can also download my travel book, One for the Road, for free!)