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Bagan is a great place for night photography as well. I'll advise you to not stay up too long, though. Soon a new sunrise will arrive, and another day in Bagan begins. You should be there for it, well rested and with fresh camera batteries.


Thank you so much for coming along!

If you enjoyed this, maybe you'll also like my photo journals from some of the other trips I have made, here.


Bagan er et supert sted å gjøre nattfotografering også. Men jeg råder deg til å komme deg i seng i rimelig tid. Snart kommer en ny soloppgang, og en ny dag i Bagan begynner. Da bør du være på plass, uthvilt og med ladet kamera.


Takk for følget!

Hvis du likte denne bildereisen, så kan du kanskje finne mer du liker, fra andre turer jeg har gjort, her.

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