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There's nothing spectacular about the mosaics inside the Nasir ol Molk mosque, but thanks to the sunrise and the small size of the room, the place turns quite colourful for an hour or so in the morning. With a bit of luck you don't have to share that hour with a busload or two of trained experts at getting in the way of your camera.

To earn more money, the "caretakers" of the mosque have put large thick curtains outside some of the windows. To have them move the curtains to the side, letting more light through the windows and into the room, you will have to pay a bribe.


Mosaikkvinduene i Nasir ol Molk-moskeen er ikke spesielt store eller fine, men takket være sollyset om morgenen og at rommet innenfor ikke er særlig stort, så blir lyset her inne helt supert i en times tid. Med litt flaks slipper du å dele den timen med en busslast folk som er eksperter i å gå i veien for fotografer.

Luringene som driver stedet har hengt opp store, tykke gardiner på utsiden av vinduene. Hvis du gjerne vil ha mer lys inn i rommet så kan det ordnes, men bare mot en klekkelig bestikkelse.

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